Friday, May 24, 2013

It is just three weeks

It is amazing how much we have changed in the three weeks since the house has sold.  we are both very busy planning and doing.  I have been working on an investigation for PCC.  the extra money will be nice because we are going to be spending so much money on our trek and then the cruise.  but I am finding that it is enjoyable and fun to do a little work. 

It is also a challenge to be planning so many things at once.  I am trying to think about what to pack for the trek and also, because there is so little time between, what to pack for the cruise.

In the meantime, Bob is doing phenomenally well.  He has more and more energy and is really enjoying getting some work done - and it is hard work.  the deck is finished.  we just have to power wash it and stain it.  we will do that when the fence is finished.  Paul and bob are working on the fence today.  It should be done today or tomorrow. 

then a Memorial day barbeque, finish my investigations and begin packing up Betsy for the trip.  hard to believe we leave in a little less than two weeks.

Monday, May 20, 2013


We have been very busy the past week.  We are doing a whole bunch of things at once.  Bob is working on tearing down the old fence and putting up a new one.  He is also working on enlarging the deck.  Finally he is working on repairing a few of the items on the rv that need work. 

I have been working on cleaning the rv and helping Bob.  In addition, I was contacted by one of my old clients to start doing some investigations for them.  That will be some nice money and I like doing investigations, but it will be time consuming.

In the midst of all this, we were visited by a nurse practitioner doing a wellness check through our insurance company.  Everything was good except that my blood pressure was a little high.  After monitoring it for several days I agreed and saw the doc and started taking blood pressure meds.  The blood pressure went down immediately.  Since I had the pressure cuff out, Bob started taking his blood pressure and it is really high.  So, he sees a doc today.  busy, busy.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Getting better every day

Am feeling so good.  Yesterday I heard my husband say "It won't get done sitting here."  It is something that he says all the time.  But for the last few months I have not heard it at all.  He did not have enough energy to get things done.  Yesterday he hung the storm doors for front and back.  Today he worked with a neighbor and removed the entire old fence.  Tomorrow they will put in the new posts.  He was a little sore this morning, but in great spirits. 

I spent my day killing the weeds in the yard.  Then I went on line and bought our tickets for the train ride up to Seattle.  I also made arrangement to get Betsy washed while we are in Gillette at the rally.  Then Bob and I sat for a while on the deck in the sun.  It is a beautiful day. 

I am also working on losing weight.  Down over 3 pounds already.    Seven pounds to go to my goal.  <Sigh>  It is all good.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

we only own one house

The sale went through.  It was finalized about a week ago.  I expected instant relief, but the relief was not instant.  It is taking some time to change my ways of thinking.  More important, I have to learn to live in the moment and dream.  I did not realize what I had been doing before, but now when I start to think of something in the future that I have planned, I start to say to self - careful, it may not happen.  I got so trained to worry about things.  So I have to retrain myself and let myself be excited about what is going to happen and what I have planned. 

We have been busy enjoying and trying to move to the next stage..  We got the money on Friday of last week.  On Sunday we had a small celebration barbeque.  Then on Monday we left in the rv for a few days in Pendleton Oregon.  we stayed in an rv park at a casino and had a good time.  We even won money.  We are planning a 5-6 week mini trek beginning in mid June, and then an Alaska cruise with little sis in august (over her birthday).

In the meantime, things have been busy.  We came home on Thursday and Bob ordered the materials for enlarging the deck, redoing the rotten fence, and new storm doors.  I got my new glasses.  I made an appointment for pedicures for Bob, Stef, and me and Sunday (mother's day).  Then a nurse practitioner came for a "wellness" visit.  We are both doing fine, except my blood pressure was really high.  (It may have been high because I was getting impatient with how slow she was and how long this was taking.  We had planned to go to a movie and by the time she left we missed it.)  But I know that I am about 7 pounds overweight and have not been eating very healthy.  So this was my impetus to start on the correct diet and lose weight.  Day one has gone very good. 

I also decided that I was drinking too much wine (about 2 glasses every night), and that I was relying on the alcohol to get me through some of those bad times.  So, beginning on Monday (after the celebration barbeque) I decided no alcohol for two weeks.  It has not been a problem without alcohol, but I do miss having something at night to drink after dinner while we sit and talk.  I got some sparking water with flavoring in it and that gets me by as long as I put it in a wine glass. 

So things are looking good!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

waiting is hard

So we have reached a deal for the sale.  The question is now whether the buyer will get the loan.  The apprasail was today.  We won't hear until Monday.  Bob is taking an afternoon nap.  He says that his stomach really hurts.  We don't know if it is something wrong or just the stress.  If it is still there after the deal is finalized, we will have to go to the doctor.   Waiting is hard.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Maybe this time

Ok.  Another sale.  this is the sixth time.  this time we have gotten through the inspection period.  This sale requires a bank loan.  We are now waiting on the assessment of the house to make sure that the buyer gets the loan.  If that happens, then we have a sale.  fingers crossed.  for both myhealth and Bob's.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Next steps

They accepted our counter offer.  Inspection is scheduled for today.  fingers crossed.